Argentina: Ojo de Agua Commissariat Receives Complaint Against a Cattle-Killing UFO (Santiago del Estero)
Source: and Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO)
Date: 08.24.18
Argentina: Ojo de Agua Commissariat Receives Complaint Against a Cattle-Killing UFO (Santiago del Estero)
*** Goats and cows began dying in bizarre fashion after strange red lights appeared in the sky ***
Two local residents appeared before Ojo de Agua Station 31 on Sunday and Monday. Both live on the edge of Route 13 that links Sumampa and Ojo de Agua. The complainants, who live several kilometers from each other, complain having seen glowing red objects in the sky, considered to be UFOs responsible for killing cattle, according to their complaints.
On the day following the sighting, one of the complainants reported that seven of his sheep had turned up dead, their ears sliced off and with a sort of bite mark in the stomach area.

The other local resident claimed that three of his cows had died in circumstances similar to those reported by another local. The cows were missing their tongues and had a perforation near the anal region.
[Luis Burgos of FAO and ICOU has added the following substantiating note: This mutilation case has been CONFIRMED. I made contact with the local police and journalist Diego Nofal of the NUEVO DIARIO WEB portal. He confirmed that the photos on the web site are those of the mutilated animals. The events occurred in the wilderness known as La Maza at the "La Anochecida" property, reported by the correspondent in Sumampa. We are in touch with them should similar events take place during these days.]
[Translation (c) 2018 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Pablo Omastott, Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía]
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