Argentina: Alleged UFO Escorted Family Along the Tin Tin "Straight Segment"
Source: PLANETA UFO and Diario El Tribuno (Argentina)
Date: 6 March 2019
An article by Daniel Díaz
Argentina: Alleged UFO Escorted Family Along the Tin Tin "Straight Segment"
The strange object was photographed by a youth from Salta using a smartphone. The thousands of sightings that occur in Cachi and its surroundings have only one explanation for researcher Antonio Zuleta: "We are not alone in the universe"
Alejandro Espinoza, a mechanic from Vo. Soledad traveled on Friday to the Valles Chalchaquíes to enjoy the long weekend in the company of his wife Veronica and his sons Juan and Axel. They set up their camp in the Cachi complex, taking advantage of the area's cultural offerings and the Andean "corsos" (carnival floats and displays) which are among the most attractive in the province.
On the return trip Monday noon, they gave in to the urge to photograph the impressive mountain landscapes, which showed off their snowcapped peaks at the time. "See how lovely it is. We'll take some photos here," Alejandro told his children and wife, pulling over on the curb just past Payogasta, before reaching the Recta de Tin Tin (the perfectly straight segment of the road that has been the scene of much unexplained activity of the years, known to readers of INEXPLICATA). The time was 13:30 hours.

"The weather was gorgeous, the sky was blue and the mountains whitened by the snow. We took photos and captured the entire landscape. It was a dream. But upon choosing snaps, we saw an object in the sequence - I believe it was a UFO - going past my smartphone's screen. I could contain my excitement and wanted to make my experience known," said the iron worker from the southeastern region.
"I always believed there was something more. That we aren't alone in the universe," Alejandro exclaimed.
As have many tourists during their stay in Cachi, the Espinoza family visited the 'UFOport' managed by Antonio Zuleta, a student of matters extraterrestrial and a 'UFO hunter'. "We saw nothing; however, the experience was wonderful. We couldn't imagine that a surprise would be waiting us on our return," recalls Veronica.
Zuleta has said on repeated occasions that he has no doubt that many of the objects captured by his lens and the photographic gear of some tourists are "alien craft", adding that Cachi is close to being another world, and therefore, contact experiences of this sort are commonplace. He further claims to have thousands of recordings that prove we are not alone in the universe and that our visitors are not hostile.
The thousands of alleged UFO sightings in Cachi have a single explanation for Zuleta: the presence of an alien base.
[Translation (c) 2019 Scott Corrales IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO and Daniel Díaz, El Tribuno]
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