Mexico: Cross-Shaped UFO Over Tepexpan

MEXICO: Cross shaped UFO videotaped over Tepexpan
** A report from Ana Luisa Cid **
On Good Friday, April 6, Mr. Victor Gabriel Gonzalez managed to record the transit of several unidentified flying objects over Tepexpan in the state of Mexico.
According to his report and the visual material, several spheres crossed the sky at two o'clock in the afternoon, heading south.
He subsequently became aware that a larger, cross-shaped object, was approaching his vantage point. As he explained, the object slowed down and increased its glow, before heading toward the sun, where it was lost from sight.
In spite of the suggestive shape having been recorded on a Good Friday, we cannot hazard a guess about it being some sort of message in the sky, since we do not even know the object's provenance. Therefore, both Victor and [Ana Luisa Cid] prefer to remain objective and present the material as a possible UFO, without ascribing religious or fantastic connotations to it.
(Translation (c) 2007, Scott Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Ana Luisa Cid and Victor G. González)
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