Chile:UFO Photographed Over Chiloé Archipelago

Date: 11.20.08
Chile: Merchant Marine Photographs UFO over Chiloé Archipelago
CIFAE, an organization that studies this phenomenon, has already recorded several such cases on Chiloé Island. The latest one was taken by accident and has intrigued the residents of these islands.
CHILOE, November 19 – An Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) was photographed by sheer chance over Ancud by the camera of Alex Haro Brintrup, a merchant marine. He only discovered the UFO a month later, when he checked his camera.
This case was taken up by the Corporación para la Investigación de Fenómenos Anómalos de Chile (Cifae), which has studied this and other photos submitted by residents of the Chiloé Archipelago displaying UFOs.
”I was going over some photos with my son, and he noticed that something strange was featured in one of them,” Haro told the Estrella de Chiloé newspaper.
He further added that he was very skeptical about ufological matters before the photograph was taken some 40 kilometers from Ancud. According to CIFAE, the object is clearly visible in the original image. Thanks to close-ups, it is possible to make out its dark oval shape.
Research into the case, they said, could take months.
(Translation (c) 2008, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO)
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