Spain: Bigfoot in the Aragonese Pyrenees, Part II
Source: Criptozoología en España
Date: 06.24.11
Spain: Bigfoot in the Aragonese Pyrenees, Part II
By Javier Resines
A week a go we had the privilege of publishing an exclusive – part of the documentation gathered by Florent Barrére about his investigations into the “wild man” of the Pyrenees. Specifically, it involved the first expedition by a group of French explorers into the Bielsa (Huesca) region in 2008.
Today we publish the second and last part of the adventure in which, a year later, they return to the area in search of evidence concerning the existence of an hominid unknown to official science.
Expedition to Bielsa (Part II)
By Florent Barriére
4. Expedition 2: Structures and a Set of Prints
The second expedition near Bielsa took place in August 2009 and used a country house in Azet, in the vicinity of Saint-Lary, as a base. On this occasion, two enigmas were encountered: the discovery of new wooden structures and a footprint which must be ascribed, without any question whatsoever, to a bipedal animal.
Along with Philippe and Jean Luc Coudray, we decided to return to where broken trees where photographed in July 2008: Route D11, leaving Bielsa and passing through the small hamlet of Espierba. The old structures were not found again, but a new star-shaped structure was photographed along this route.
These deliberately-built structures, very rough to be of any use to humans – whether in wood or stone – are in each geographic area where proof of the wild man is abundant. Ivan T. Sanderson writes in his “The Abominable Snowman” (1961): “Sherpas, if we are to believe in rumors, have discovered stone structures in areas frequented by the “meh-teh”, aside from excrement, animal carcasses and other objects. This rumor agrees in a certain way with evidence found by natives of British Columbia, who may have found a sort of incubation chamber crudely built with stones in a cave. We also have, through the Russians, accounts of certain inhabitants of Central Asia, who claim that the “almas” braid the trees and use them as a shelter to spend the night”.
And if star-shaped tree trunks may seem to be accidental structures, there are smaller ones on the ground, also found in British Columbia, that appear to defy the laws of chance: in fact, how likely is it for three branches to be accidentally entwined at a central point? Only a careful study on the laws of how trees fall will shed light on this enigma.
The animal print that was found somewhat more distant, near Route D19 and the surroundings of Espierba, has also seemed of interest due to the bipedal locomotion it suggests: alternating three or more prints, arranged along a single right axis, with considerable distance between each step.
Due to the dry, broken soil, it was only possible to obtain a fragile cast of the anatomical details of this series of three prints, which does not allow for subsequent analysis and comparison with other animal prints recorded in the area: wolves, foxes, bears, wild dogs...
However, some details are evident:
1. The print displays a clear alternation between a right and a left foot. The anterior extremities have not been set on the ground. Therefore, the print belongs to a bipedal animal.
2. There is no irregularity that suggests the sole of a shoe: the print is not from a shoe. Therefore, the print corresponds to a barefoot, bipedal creature.
3. The distance between each print is very large, nearly the double of a normal human stride.
Therefore, the print can be attributed to a bipedal, barefoot animal with a considerable stride.
(End of the second and final part)
This, therefore, is the fascinating evidence of an alleged wild man found by the French team in the Pirineo oscense. The similarity between the structures made with tree-trunks in the vicinity of Bielsa and the ones found elsewhere in the world, such as in the mountainous region of Shoria, located on the Eastern Siberian taiga, is striking.
At least this is what can be gleaned from the 2010 expedition to that remote part of world, led by Igor Burtsev, director of the International Hominology center. In his opinion, “we thought at first that yetis made these constructions to use them as shelters, but then we reached the conclusion that they are a sort of point of reference, a way-station. In this way, the can mark their territory and communicate with their fellows.”
Perhaps the Russian scientist is right and both the alleged Siberian yetis and they Pyrenaic cousins have an optimal level of intelligence that enables them (this is all speculation, of course) to create primitive constructions as a warning or communication with other members of their group or perhaps with other groups of hominids.
Our thanks once more to Florent Barrére for allowing us access to his formidable work and we wish him the greatest success in his research around this mystery, which he is pursuing on both sides of the Pyrenees.
(Translation (c) 2011, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Javier Resines and Florent Barrére)
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