Argentina: A UFO Over Suipacha

Source: Grupo G.A.B.I.E.
Date: 01.15.2012
Argentina: A UFO Over Suipacha, Buenos Aires
G.A.B.I.E. Case # 20111224
Hugo Pelatti, a follower of our blog, kindly sent us a series of photos obtained in the city of Suipacha, Province of Buenos Aires, on 24 December 2011. We thank Hugo for submitting his photos and replying to our questions.
Details: Description of the circumstances under which the photos were taken.
“...all photos were taken with the same Nikon Coolplix L1 camera. All photos were taken on 24 December 2011 between 16:30 and 17:00 hours. And as I told you, neither me nor my wife noticed anything at the time the photos were taken. We only became aware of it upon uploading the photos to our computer to view them.
“We were returning from Luján on the way toward 9 de Julio and since we had time and it was still early, we decided to go into Suipacha to take some photos (it’s our hobby).”
We received several images, selecting two for analysis:
The following photograph shows a diffuse object that perfectly shows the transit of a UFO. Following analysis and comparison, we reached the conclusion that it was possibly an insect flying by at the moment the photograph was taken. The camera is unable to focus on it and captures a blurred object. In this case it is a “Blurfo”.
Quite the contrary occurs with the next photo.
We can see a UFO, an object that we were unable to identify with anything known. It is not a known terrestrial craft, not a meteorological phenomenon and does not correspond to an astronomical phenomenon.
After subjecting them to a variety of filters – some shown in the analysis – we reached the conclusion that it is an object of considerable energy and very little mass, showing a very well-defined core. The object appears to be static.
As is customary in all our investigations, please point out any corrections or constructive opinions. If you recognize it as something natural, please advise us of the fact.
(Translation (c) 2012, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Grupo G.A.B.I.E.)
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