Argentina: A Triangular UFO Over Entre Rios

Date: March 12, 2017
Argentina: A Triangular UFO Over Entre Rios
By Andrea Pérez Simondini
Location: Island region between Rosario (Santa Fe) and Victoria (Entre Rios)
Date of Sighting: December 2012
Time: 1:50
Witnesses: Pablo Sanchez and two friends
Object Type: Triangular or three lights
Flight Direction: East-West
The island region is a consistent source of sightings for all manner of luminous phenomena - aquatic, terrestrial and aerial alike. It is therefore not surprising for new reports to emerge from people engaging in fishing activities in the islands. We can state without hesitation that we receive hundreds of reports year after year. We ourselves have witnessed them many times from Cerro de la Matanza facing the river or from fields bordering Laguna del Pescado. No matter how extraordinary or unexplainable these reports may be, they remain anecdotal unless they are documented by some photograph.
A Video Recorded During a Fishing Trip to the "Entre Rios Islands"

Hundreds of photographs reach us accompanied by requests for their analysis or an opinion about them. We made a decision years ago to analyze no images (photographic or video) unless it comes from an eyewitness who has made the recording. This decision is due to matters of time and resources.
Finally, one message broke the pattern. It concerned an event in which the witnesses observed the maneuvers of an object and were able to videotape the experience.
"Good afternoon, Andrea. My name is Pablo and I am a native of the city of Rosario, Santa Fe. I have visited the islands area near my city for over 20 years. The reason for this message is to share an experience I had with a group of friends (2 friends and myself) during a fishing trip some years back, I believe around December 2010. We set out from the Henry Morgan boat basin in Rosario headed for the service canal that runs parallel to the route linking Rosario with Victoria. We followed this course up to 15 kilometers east of the toll.
"Our first experience took place around 1:50 a.m... We were anchored and fishing at the merger of the stream known as Boca de la Milonga and the lagoon into which it empties, which then becomes the canal that follows the route to Victoria. We were some 7 km from the toll when we saw a light heading east to west over the route or running parallel to it, at a distance of one kilometer.
"We thought it was an airplane, and since we all had very bright flashlights, we began pointing the beam of light at it. Of course, the airplane approached and its lights became brighter, as though illuminating us. At his point we were startled and wondered what that thing could be, becoming alert and defensive, to the extent that one of my friends reached for his sidearm.
The situation lasted some 10 seconds before the object changed direction after coming within one or two kilometers of us. What was odd is that it had red and green lights rotating around it, and had at least four of what seemed to be little portholes, casting amber light from the interior. It was very odd, since it made no noise whatsoever and appeared to float gently.
"I'd like to make clear that it was a starry, windless night with nothing that could cause any noise issued by the craft to drift. The fact is that we were stunned by the sight and began conjecturing.
"The craft vanished to the north after making a turn. I tried recording it with my cellphone but I don't know what happened. I was so nervous that I forgot to press the button or something. Immediately after I looked for the video but couldn't find it.
"After this event, we returned to the headwaters of the stream on the edge of Granadero Baigorria at the distillery crossing, and managed to make the recording with the cellphone. Between the 4th and 6th second one can see a triangular UFO that appears and disappears over the lights of the Rosario-Victoria bridge. I received some remarks from a family living in a building in Rosario facing the islands, and they saw lights moving in the island area that night."

The witness thought back to an earlier experience, which appears to be quite common in UFO witness accounts. We call it "the flash" or the "photograph from space". It's a bright light, like powerful burst of photo flash, but coming from the sky. This is his story: "The fact is that I was always interested in the UFO subject. I had a strange event in the islands with another of my friends. We were fishing on the shore of one of the islands at the entrance to Boca de la Lechiguanita, now called San Marcos. This was some years ago. The Rosario-Victoria Bridge was under construction and we suddenly saw a flash of light behind us, like someone taking a photo of us. Everything lit up for a second. It was odd because we were facing the river, and there was wilderness behind us, which should have dampened the light."
[Translation (c) 2017 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Andrea and Silvia Pérez Simondini, Pablo Sánchez and Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]