Friday, July 29, 2022

LOS INVASORES (The Invaders) - Humanoid Case Histories - The Suárez Case, Part 1


LOS INVASORES (The Invaders) - Humanoid Case Histories

By Nelson Polanco and Luis Burgos

07. The Suárez Case - Part 1

 Nelson Polanco: Good evening, dear friends. Welcome to another installment of Los Invasores. How are you doing, Luis?

Luis Burgos: Fine, Nelson. Fine. Looking forward to hearing in your own words about a case that I found fascinating at the time, and which you investigated with your brother Alcides around 1990 in a region close to La Plata. So, I'm all ears, and as you speak, I'll be making side notes about this incident, which in my opinion was among the best to have taken place in the vicinity of La Plata.

NP: As you know, Luis, I had to rummage through my chest of memories when you brought this case to mind. There was so, so much humanoid activity in the 1990s that this was simply one more, yet it is a truly incredible case which occurred only a few kilometers away from downtown La Plata. This all took place in the Villalisa district on October 5th, 1997, at around six o'clock a.m. or thereabouts.

LB: What were the facts of the case?

NP: Well, it so happened that I had a radio show at the time at an FM station in the Melchor Romero district, alongside my brother Alcides. We liked it, we really enjoyed UFO case histories, and the show was called CONTACTO. The FM station was local with limited range, but we aired it once a week regardless at night. So during one of the shows, we opened the lines for callers. One of the calls we received was from a lady, the main witness, sadly deceased now. Her name was Dora Suarez, and well, she told us she'd had an incident in Villalisa in which some beings had materialized in the back of her property, a UFO had landed, and so forth. So many people were calling in. We took down the information, and time permitting, and if we were interested, we would pay a visit to the site. And so it was that my brother Alcides and I headed over to Villalisa and got in touch with the woman and her son, who had been the witnesses. Dora Suarez and Raul Suarez. She was around fifty years old at the time, and her son was nineteen.

The events occurred on a Sunday, very early, at around six in the morning, at daybreak. Dora woke up around 5 a.m. or 5:30 a.m., worried about her dog - she owned a little dog in the back of the property - and it was barking away. She was afraid, as she was alone at the time, and given the fact that there had been burglaries in the area, she thought robbers could be involved. Given that the dog wouldn't stop barking, Dora peeked through the window, and upon seeing nothing, shouted to the dog to be quiet. The dog, however, kept barking. Minutes later her son showed up. He had come from a dance hall - I'm not sure if you remember, it was called "Escándalo Bailable" - not far from the Villalisa district.

LB: Our listeners will remember it because it was the last dance hall where Rodrigo performed. Minutes after leaving the club he was killed.

NP: Exactly, he died on the highway. So anyway, Raul had returned from this dance hall, feeling exhausted, and went straight to bed. Dora kept hearing the dog barking, and when she looked again, she saw something strange going on in the back of the property. There was a sort of 'balloon' back there...

LB: Morning had already broken by then. The time must have been ten past six or so.

NP: Yes, the sun was already out.

LB: Now, Nelson, let's stress the first point. What you're telling us lead us to suppose that the phenomenon began much earlier, when the dog began to bark. That is to say, that the UFO you've described was already there.

NP: Exactly. After speaking to the witness, I feel that the UFO had landed at that spot during the night. It's anybody's guess how long it had been sitting there, since she told me she was awakened by the barking of the dog.

LB: Using the dog's barking as our measure of time, we can say that it barked at that UFO for at least half an hour. Those people, that UFO...

NP: Precisely. She woke up around five in the morning, and we can suppose that the UFO descended around four a.m. approximately. Perhaps earlier.

LB: Yes, yes, we don't exactly know how long, which is a common factor in case histories, especially in humanoid incidents. The witnesses get to see the end of the event, the object takes off, shoots away into the sky, but there's no clear idea of how long they've been prowling around, carrying out their objective. It's very common within the humanoid phenomenon.

NP: What you're saying is that it's very hard for a witness to identify the descent of the craft.

LB: Right. It's very unusual to see the UFO descend, seen by the witness, and later take off. You can count such events on your fingers. The [humanoids] were already there, but we don't know for how long.

NP: Exactly. So this case fits...

LB: ...a common pattern followed by the phenomenon.

NP: Perfect.

LB: So how did it play out?

NP: The woman saw this sort of balloon, as she described it. She used a balloon for comparison. She didn't say object, didn't say craft, what's more, we refer to it verbatim in the story as 'balloon'.

LB: What was the size of the balloon?

NP: Approximately two meters or so.

LB: Was it on the ground?

NP: No, neither Dora nor Raul was able to see it on the ground. They said the object was 'quasi-landed' over the rear of the property. What kept them from seeing it fully - and they did mention it - because there was a very bright light between the object and the ground, a very white, bright light that made their eyes burn if they looked at it too long. So that light kept them from seeing if the object was really on the ground. So given that the dog wouldn't stop barking, Dora Suarez got to see this very strange object in the back of her property, and she went to wake up her son, who had just gone to bed minutes earlier. She urged him to wake up, as there was something strange in the back of the property. Groggily, the boy woke up thinking there were burglars the back, seeing his mother's anxiety.

That's when the two of them went to the back of the property and faced the object.

LB: How far were they from [the object]?

NP: Some twenty meters. They described it as a silver balloon, leaden, with dents in parts of its circumference. This is verbatim, Luis.

LB: Incredible.

NP: It was dented in some parts, but what's most surprising is that both Dora and Raul said exactly the same thing: that the object appeared to be pulsating. By their description, the object appeared to be breathing. Dora Suarez even believed there was someone inside this balloon, causing the movement from within.

LB: Like someone inside a tent.

NP: Exactly. Raul and Dora agreed that the object seemed to have a kind of palpitation - it breathed, it swelled, it deflated.

LB: Now there are points I'd like to draw up from memory as background information. The dent description is crucial in a UFO description, assuming state of the art technology. I'm reminded of the words of Jolié Moreno in Trancas (*) when she said: "Luis, it had rivets." Anyone supposing that an object traveling light years from the stars wouldn’t have rivets, much less dents [in its hull]. Truly incredible. What you're telling me about the palpitation is essential, and you'll be surprised when we make the comparative ufology, because we come across the high strangeness event of UFOs that appear to breathe or pulsate, as if they were living creatures, some kind of biological element, and what you're telling me fits perfectly in all this. So what do you think about pausing here and continuing in the next installment of Los Invasores?

NP: Perfect. Delighted.

[To be continued]



Friday, July 01, 2022

Argentina: The Monte del Tío Celestino Humanoid

𝐋𝐎𝐒 𝐈𝐍𝐕𝐀𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐒 - 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐝 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
𝐁𝐲 𝐍𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐮𝐢𝐬 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐨𝐬

𝟎𝟔. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐥 𝐓𝐢𝐨 𝐂𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐨 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐝

Luis Burgos: Well, Nelson, moving right along here with Los Invasores, I suggest to you - so that all our listeners can hear it at once - a very, very interesting case that we experienced, that you experienced, during our long-term research of the astonishing phenomena of Gobernador Ugarte, that little town on Route 25 between Chivilcoy and 25 de Mayo. To us, it was among the most spectacular cases we ever researched; on account of all the experiences we had there. There is one that stands out among all those experiences and observations, which I know was in the winter of 2003. You and Miguel Peralta had stayed behind in the fence gate area, and well, I wanted you to speak about it in a summarized version for the program.
Nelson Polanco: Yes indeed. It was a case that involved me personally. I don't know how many times we went to Ugarte...
LB: In 2002, practically every week.
NP: ...but this had been our twelfth visit to Ugarte. The twelfth research expedition we made to Ugarte.
LB: And there were more.
NP: There were more. It's what you've said before - we don't go to these places to summon the cosmic brothers or to shout: Come on down and contact us! Our task is to research UFO narratives. We are field researchers. We look into cases told to us by people - witnesses - but the Gobernador Ugarte case affected us personally. Given the number of times we visited the site, we became personally involved with the phenomenon.
LB: Yes.
NP: We began to involve ourselves with what the witness said was going in that place. And all of this happened on a terribly cold night. We'd had dinner at Angelica "La Beba" Labaroní, a wonderful family that always welcomed us into their home, and which we are still in contact...
LB: Permanently.
NP:...and well, you went to sleep, since you were feeling so cold, and I said to Miguel: "Miguel, let's go take a walk, maybe we’ll see something." That was Miguelito, Miguelito Peralta, a cherished companion, and we began to walk from the Labaroní house to the gate of the La Esperanza ranch, which is the key of the phenomenon...
LB: The epicenter.
NP...and it's approximately a kilometer and a half distant. So Miguel and I walked slowly to the gate, willing to take a look. We had binoculars and photo cameras in hand. It was very cold, Burgos. So cold. I think the temperature was less than one degree (1 centigrade = 32 Fahrenheit), we were warmly dressed, but the night was very still. All that you could hear was bugs characteristic of the rural area. It was a starry evening with just a little bit of fog, not much, and the time was around 1 a.m. It was then that Miguel and I saw a light emerge from the ground, from an area known to all as Monte del Tio Celestino (Uncle Celestino's wilderness) which is some one thousand meters distant, more or less...
LB: Yes, more or less.
NP: ...a thousand meters from the entrance to the ranch, from the gate.
LB: This is a wilderness with eucalyptus trees that runs parallel to the country road, and then to the gate that allows access to the property. You were at the gate, and those lights were in the wilderness.
NP: They call it Uncle Celestino's wilderness because many years ago it was occupied by a man who died long ago and there was a house on the site. He died there and the name was his legacy.
LB: Exactly.
NP: So Miguel and I saw a blue-colored light emerging from the ground in a fan-shape, aimed upward. It lasted only seconds. We both saw it.
LB: You both witnessed it?
NP: Exactly, Miguel saw it too. He asked are you seeing that fan of light? I replied: Yes, Miguel, I'm seeing it. Where is it coming from? Might it be a hunter? I don't know. It emerged from the ground in a fan-shape with a very lovely, striking light. That cone of light lasted only seconds. Then we didn't see anything else. Half an hour went by and I kept looking toward the wilderness, and then I saw something strange, Luis. I saw a person walking amidst the trees. It was walking from the interior of the wilderness to the outside.
LB: Yes, yes.
NP: And I was watching him with binoculars as he went from one tree trunk to the next. The figure had a light in its hands, I remember it as a lantern or something similar, and the light lit up the person's body and the surroundings. It kept walking until it was outside the wilderness and then stopped and looked around. I could see it clearly. It looked around for a while and then ducked back into the wilderness, retracing its steps. It must've done this activity at least twice. It came out and went back in.
LB: So how was Miguel reacting to all this?
NP: I figure he was looking at the same thing I was looking at.
LB: Not looking elsewhere?
NP: I don't know. can I say?... I was concentrating on what I was seeing. I said: "Who's that guy there?" I then remembered that Carolina had said that hunters or fishermen would sometimes stay inside the wilderness, but I wondered: "What hunter or fisherman would be out here in this cold?"
LB: All of this was inside your head? Or did you say it aloud to Miguel? You were talking to yourself.
NP: Precisely. My eyes were glued on that person. Then, minutes later, still looking at that character, I thought: "This can't be, why is he wearing those clothes? Why do they glow?" I then thought: "Something's wrong here" -- all of this was inside my head.
LB: Yes, yes.
NP: "Why do his clothes glow so much?"
LB: His clothing wasn't lit by the gas lantern?
NP: His clothes gave off a luminescence - a marvelous blue color, Luis. A hue that lit up everything. Aside from this light, he carried a light in his arm, always in the same arm, never shifted it to the other.
LB: Did you get the impression that he was looking for something?
NP: Yes, although I couldn't see his head or face. I knew he had one, of course...
LB: It was anthropomorphic. was anthropomorphic, yes; it was looking back at us, and looking at the ground. But I had the sensation that it had lost something. It came and went and looked. It did so twice.
LB: Overall, how long did both sightings last?
NP: I figure some five minutes, four minutes.
LB: In those five minutes, Miguel was looking somewhere else and you never said a word to him.
NP: I never knew what Miguel was looking at.
LB: You forgot all about Miguel to live through this personal experience with your binoculars.
NP: What's more, when it was all over, when the character sort of turned off, because I could see him go back into the brush and then boom! He was gone. He turned off. Like someone had thrown a switch. And I never saw him again. I suddenly felt cold, and I said to Miguel, "I'm so incredibly cold, why don't we head back?" Miguel said, yeah, why don't we go back inside, it's too cold, and so forth..
LB: Right.
NP: And we left. We got back to the house; you were already in bed in the other room...
LB: Yes, the adjacent room. Let me add that when you both returned, I woke up because you were talking and the subject wasn't raised.
NP: Yes, yes. I can't say I remember the subject I was discussing with Miguel.
LB: Nothing to do with this?
NP: No, I never ever raised it with him. In fact, I don't remember how I ever got to my own room. No matter how I try, I can't say I remember the way back from the gate. No matter how hard I try, Luis, I can't recall. It was locked away in my head.
LB: So the next morning...
NP: So the next morning, I got up, you were already in the dining room having breakfast, and the first thing I said to you was: "Luis, you'll never guess what I saw last night." I saw a person with such and such description in the wilderness. Miguel was in the other room, listening.
LB: Of course.
NP: Later, when Miguel woke up, he was completely silent. He didn't utter a word.
LB: He either didn't react, or reacted and kept it to himself.
NP: Yes, exactly. But the strangest part of all this, Luis, is that it took me years to remember what happened that night. Many years. The image of that person walking in the dark with that light, with that amazing blue outfit, was never erased from my head. I'd never seen anything like it.
LB: And Miguel never forgave you for many years that you didn't tell him.
NP: Miguel holds it against me that I didn't [tell him what I was seeing]. And Burgos, you know me in the field. I react to any single thing that's going on, drawing everyone's attention to it so they can see it. That night I didn't say a word to Miguel. I don't know why. I think something must have happened, and won't even question...I respect the fact that Miguel doesn't believe me...I just can't say which direction Miguel was looking off to when I was watching this being. Because today we can speak in terms of a humanoid entity...
LB: And the next day we reconstructed the sighting. We visited the area, walked around...
NP: ...and I asked you as a favor, Luis, to please explain what had happened to me. Because I'd been through many things, but unable to assimilate this one. What I saw left me [in shock] for years.
LB: Now you, with the unaided eye, were also able to see the figure?
NP: No, just the light. Without binoculars, all I could see was the light.
LB: Even so, let me tell you, based on the reconstruction we made when I walked around, and you could see me from the gate, and then I lost myself in the distance...
NP: Yes, I couldn't see you.
LB: My height is one meter seventy five (5'7"). That person far exceeded my height, easily. A very tall individual.
NP: Yes, once we reconstructed the event, and I could see the reality of what took place...because at the time I couldn't analyze the height or distance involved, I was quietly looking it all, with no images coming to my mind, or voices. All I could do was observe. But anyway, I know what I saw. I had the chance to see a humanoid entity that was at least three meters tall (9.8 feet). It was a shock. I'll never forget it.
LB: Very tall, very tall. And when we engage in comparative ufology, you have to remember the giant of Barrio El Bosque in Tucumán, when the bricklayer Gonzalez saw that huge figure, three meters tall...
NP: The case we worked with our dear departed friend [inaudible] 1978, and then the more recent Paso Lobera case in Corrientes, researched by Pablo [inaudible], where the entity's head was nearly as tall as the top of the eucalyptus trees. These cases don't differ greatly from the one involving this character. When you go by typologies, one thinks of Type 3, a being that stands a meter eighty, but no, this was far in excess of the two twenty meter range.
NP: Luis, I think that night was a gift they gave me. One chases you know, I'm passionate about CE-3 cases. Encounters with UFO humanoids or entities. But to be able to realize the trauma it I realize that I shared, and this occurred in 2003, not the situation involving Miguel, since I don't know where he was looking toward, but there's a mental shock, something takes place internally, there is a change, things happen...
LB: You were detached, watching that situation, and Miguel was doing something else.
NP: Let me change the vision around for you. I think was manipulated.
LB: Could be. Why not?
NP: The same thing happened to Avelino Mengui...
LB: The famous night of the 4th of march. Well, a relative of mine, around 1978, suffered what appeared to be an abduction as she walked through the brush on the outskirts of La Plata. She saw a cone of blue light fall from above in front of her at a distance of a meter, and then lost consciousness. She regained consciousness in minutes and walked into her house. There was another relative of mine present, and she didn't say a word to him! Not a word. Two days later, in that same stretch, the famous Degalí case occurred from Carmen de Patagones. I said to her: "Did you hear about the case involving the runners who saw a strange light?" She said: "Hold on a second. A light. Do you know that..." And then she told me her story. She couldn't explain why, 48 hours later, she hadn't said a word to anyone. Her husband reproached her. "Why didn't you tell me about this?" Exactly the very same thing Miguel said to you.
NP: I think it's complicated, very complicated. I can't remember, Luis, how I got back to the room in the Labaroní house. I'm someone who remembers the least detail, but that night I can't remember, cannot remember no matter how hard I try to search my memory, and I don't know if I'll take to the grave or not. But perhaps before I go I'll have the memory of some lights, memories of what happened at the time. I treasure that moment, however. It's a very intimate, personal experience. It can be analyzed from a number of different perspectives, but today I realize, Luis, what people who have encounters with these occupants go through, the trauma and the things left behind in the unconscious. Things that the experiencer remembers after a certain time. The other day I was listening to Marcelo Martinich discussing the Pérez case, and I congratulate him because over the years he was able to probe deeper into the case and find details, things that not even a psychoanalist would have brought forward.
LB: Nelson, before we go, let me give you two comparisons to put your mind at ease. In 1969, in the town of Croto, next to Labarría, Aquilino Acosta felt a disturbance at the farm he shared with his wife. He looked through the window and saw seventeen pairs of legs, transparent. He couldn't see the upper section. Seventeen pairs of glowing legs. Seventeen, all of them holding a sort of lantern in their hands as though looking for something on the ground. Very, very tall people whose height surely exceeded two meters. This was in 1969. Remember my own case involving the first humanoid encounter in the country, with a sergeant and corporal of the Buenos Aires police in the 1940s, where they saw silhouettes around an oval shape. The four or five silhouettes they saw carried lights in their hands. Very similar to the events at Tío Celestino.
NP: So true.
LB: And with that, we bring to a close this case that you were so fortunate to experience.
NP: Thank you, Luis, for letting me share it.

[Transcription and translation (c) 2022, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Luis Burgos and Nelson Polanco]