Thursday, March 27, 2014
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Chile: A Flying Object As Large as Two Soccer Stadiums

Source: Planeta UFO and Terra Peru
Date: 03.18.2014
Chile: A Flying Object As Large as Two Soccer Stadiums
By Ricardo Francino Saldivia
The UFO seen at the El Yeso Reservoir was twice the size of the National Stadium.
The photo of an alleged UFO in Chile has left more than one viewer startled after that country’s Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anomalos (CEFAA) confirmed its authenticity.
The image was taken in the area known as El Yeso Reservoir by a Venezuelan couple living in the southern country. The image was investigated by CEFFA through its director general, Gen. Ricardo Bermudez (Ret.).
“After considerable research time we reached a series of conclusions that are the same obtained in the United States, and which are: this photograph is real and not a hoax; Second, that the incidence of the light in these clouds is the same as that which falls upon the object; Third, that it has its own light, and therefore a series of portholes are visible. This is according to our Ph.D in meteorology, and according to the clouds existing at the time during that season in the Cordillera, makes it twice the size of the National Stadium (in Chile),” he told Terra Chile.
“We do not know what it is or where it came from, but the anomalous aerial phenomenon described as an unidentified flying object is real and we have the proof and the eyewitness accounts to support it,” notes Bermudez, who was a military pilot for the Chilean Air Force, flying F-5 fighters among other craft.
“We receive over a thousand reports each year and 95% are anomalous phenomena that we can fully justify. We discard 2% from the remaining five per cent, leaving us with 3% to which no scientific answer can be found. This is being studied because it is real and occurring worldwide.”
CEFAA, created in 1997, is an agency of the Technical Aeronautics School (ETA), a body which went on to become a branch of the General Secretariat of the General Office of Civil Aeronautics in Chile.
Its mission according to its website, is to compile, analyze and study all reports of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) occurring over Chile “through serious, objective and scientific investigation in order to determine whether the safety of air operations have been jeopardized, thus contributing to the safety of aviation in Chile.”
[Translation © 2014 S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]
Monday, March 17, 2014
Mexico: Hermosillo UFO Was Just a Prank

Source: La Cara Oculta de los Ovnis
Date: 17 March 2014
Mexico: Hermosillo UFO Was Just a Prank
Mexico, Hermosillo, 11 March – An unidentified flying object caused hundreds of citizens to travel to the outskirts of the state capital of Sonora to see the lights that rose capriciously into the sky for three hours. In the end, it was just a prank.
Around 19:00 hours, residents of several districts located to the south of Hermosillo reported seeing various multicolored lights flying in formation over the city. The word “OVNI” (UFO) quickly became a trending topic on Twitter and Facebook.
The hitherto unidentified flying object caused such expectation that hundreds of curiosity seekers headed for Cerro de la Virgen and the Santa Clara Bridge, located to the south on the outskirts of Hermosillo to see the phenomenon. Squad cars of the Municipal Police had to reach the site to disperse rubberneckers fascinated by the alleged UFO.
“I was riding on a motorbike with my husband and we suddenly saw all the locals were looking skyward. There were some yellow lights flying very strangely; they were neither airplanes nor helicopters because they remained still for a long time, and suddenly began descending the hill before rising again,” said an eyewitness to the phenomenon, whose curiosity got the better of her for over three hours, unable to believe what she was seeing.
At 21:30 hours, the lights descended on a plain to the western side of the Mexico-Nogales International Highway across from the Instituto Superior de Seguridad Publica del Estado de Sonora (ISSPE). Some youths approached them to find out that the UFO was a plastic bag with a helium balloon containing a set of battery-powered LEDs, manipulated by the pranksters with a fishing line.

The topography of the area where the object was seen hovering was an important part of the deception, since by being located in an elevated area, it gave the impression that the multicolored lights were over Hermosillo.
[Translation © 2014, S. Corrales, Inexplicata with thanks to Paco Máñez]
Uruguay: A Mysterious Sighting in Nueva Helvecia

SOURCE: El and Planeta UFO
DATE: 03.15.2014
Uruguay: A Mysterious Sighting in Nueva Helvecia
Married couple saw a stunning flying object in the Uruguayan region of Nueva Helvecia
Dante Soria, a member of Testimonio OVNI, was on vacation in the locality of Nueva Helvecia in Uruguay when he became the witness in the enigmatic sighting of a strange object.
On the evening Monday, 20 January 2014, he decided to conduct a skywatch with his wife, Luisa Yacón. They both prepared mentally for the undertaking, as both are Reiki masters and form part of the Testimonio OVNI group.
After their preparatory meditation, they were startled to see a luminous object appearing at 40 degrees over the horizon, facing South from their position (toward Rio de la Plata – Buenos Aires), appearing and disappearing repeatedly with considerable luminous magnitude. The object pulsed, changing color from red to orange and light blue, respectively.
It should be noted that this area of Uruguay is not covered by commercial airline routes, nor was [the object] a satellite. Video analysis was conducted by Adrián Nicala on a 4 minute segment of an 8-minute long original, showing for two minutes how the object travels – pulsating in magnitude – and crossing two power cables located to the south. Later that evening, several “UFO flashes”, which would be the well-known foo fighters or UFO monitoring probes (sic) were recorded. These can be remotely guided or can also be small craft (sic).
Video at:
[Note: there is a marked mystical / contactee slant to the above material. The text in the video reads “guided intraterrestrial vehicle responding to a telepathic summons”]
Translation © 2014, S. Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO
TC-48: “The Cadet Flight” - An Argentinean Missing Airplane

Source: Café Ufologico RIO54
Date: 03.16.2014
[The disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 this month will go down as one of the most enigmatic and controversial incidents in aviation history, even if its ultimate whereabouts – and the fates of its 239 passengers – are established at some point after this writing. Unfortunately, it is possible for planes to vanish forever, or to be discovered by chance decades after radio contact was lost. This is the story of TC-48 -- SC]
TC-48: “The Cadet Flight” - An Argentinean Missing Airplane
By Rubén Morales and Mario Lupo
An article from Diario de Los Andes, Mendoza on 15 March 1965. It presents a curious parallel between the missing Boeing 777 of Malaysia Airlines and the Douglas DC4 – TC48- of the Argentinean Air Force that went down in the jungle region of Costa Rica in 1965, and whose remains have not been located despite intense combing of the area. The Air Force has given up on the search; not so the relatives of the missing. Among other items, the article states: “The case involving the Douglas DC-4 TC-48 of the Argentinean Air Force remains one of aviation’s great mysteries, an impenetrable one, very nearly approaching a half century of unsuccessful searching.
The so-called “cadet flight” that was lost over Costa Rican territory on 3 November 1965 with 68 occupants aboard: 9 crewmembers and 59 cadets of the 31st class of the Military Aviation School, based in Cordoba, who were engaged in a final instruction flight.
The other half of the delegation was aboard a TC-53 that did indeed reach its destination. The final destination was the United States.
TC-48 was lost in flight between Howard AFB in Panama and the El Salvador Airport, 40 minutes after takeoff. The airliner was under the command of Renato Felippa and captain-rank pilots Miguel Moyano and Esteban Viberti.
The old four-engine plane vanished without a trace, literally disappearing into thin air. Searches were conducted by land and sea, and after a few weeks, official combing operations performed by units and personnel of the Argentinean, Costa Rican and US governments were called off. This was followed by a private search conducted by several parents and siblings of the missing with few results. Most of these people have already passed on.
In the words of Cecilia Viberti, daughter of pilot Esteban Viberti, who has looked for the aircraft for decades: “non-discovery of the craft has led to a number of conspiracy-hued speculations regarding the accident: that a native tribe kept the survivors captive, that there is another Bermuda Triangle that “swallowed” the airplane, that there is a “phantom village” where the crewmembers still live. As occurs with the Malaysian flight, everything revolves around the same core: both stories share the common word – mystery.”
Ever since the mayday was received from TC-48 on the foggy morning of 3 November 1965, 35 exploratory missions have been carried out. Now, a private group from Costa Rica is preparing a new field expedition, to be set in motion when the rainy season draws to a close and entering the impenetrable Caribbean jungle becomes possible.
[Original newspaper article by Miguel Títiro appearing in Los Andes de Mendoza:]
[Translation © 2014, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Rubén Morales and Guillermo Giménez]
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Argentina: A Small Humanoid in Merlo

Source: Planeta UFO and Alternativa Ovni (
Date: 10 March 2014
Argentina: A Small Humanoid in Merlo
By Carlos Sainz
The event discussed here took place a little over a year ago. Due to personal reasons, the protagonist wished to keep her identity a secret and I shall refer to her as "Patricia" in this narrative.
Event location: Merlo, Province of Buenos Aires
Date: Friday, 1 March 2013
Approximate Time: 17:15 hours
On Friday, 1 March 2013, Patricia - age 27 at the time - was in the kitchen of her house. The time was around 17:15 hours and having completed some chores, she was taking a break. Patricia's kitchen has a window from which the trees of neighboring houses can be seen. Specifically, a palta (avocado tree) located in the back yard of a neighboring property.
She was looking at the bough of this tree when something caught her attention.
According to her story, she saw what she described as "a little man staring back at me" from between the branches and leaves of the tree. The "entity" in question (according to Patricia) was in a squatting position and staring at her fixedly. Alarmed, Patricia ran and called for her husband, who was in another part of their home, to show him what was on the tree. When the husband reached the kitchen and looked through the window, he saw nothing unusual. He tried to calm her down (Patricia was excited and kept repeating "I swear I saw it, it was in the trees, looking at me"), and a few moments later, knowing my interest for events of this sort, she came to my home to tell me the experience.
Some hours later I asked her what she'd seen and asked her to give me as faithful a description as possible of the "little man" (as she called him), and to produce a sketch of the "being". She told me at first that it reminded her of the character "Gollum" from The Lord of the Rings saga. She estimated its height at around one meter, despite not having seen the figure upright. It was very thin, hairless and with whitish eyes, "huddled" between the branches of the palta tree. She stressed the fact that it stared fixedly at her.
Patricia is quite certain about what she saw. I have known her for many years. She is a person with no interest whatsoever in the UFO phenomenon or in strange "events", and is not in the least bit fantasy-prone. I am remarking this in my blog specifically because of the degree of trust she inspires in me.
I do not think the following has anything to do with what Patricia claims to have seen (and I do not know it for a fact), but in the months following the apparition, one of the residents of the house adjacent to the palta tree (a neighbor, known to me) contracted a serious disease. Weeks later, in 2014, I learned that this person had committed suicide on account of this malady.
I remain in contact with Patricia. Her life proceeds normally to this day and she has not seen anything out of the ordinary again, for the time being.
[Translation (c) 2013, S. Corrales, IHU, with thanks to Carlos Sainz and Guillermo Giménez]
Sunday, March 09, 2014
Argentina: Unusual Object in Argentinean Air Force Display
Source: Planeta UFO and Vision Ovni
Date: March 4, 2014
Argentina: Unusual Object in Argentinean Air Force Display
Andrea Pérez Simondini writes:"Several things happened on 11 August 2012, during the 100th celebration of the Argentinean Air Force at the Córdoba Air Base. The public was treated to a lovely display of aerial acrobatics, there was a brush between two aircraft without any consequence to the pilots and and incredible recording was obtained: a video taken by one of the participants. Here is a vidcap from the document. We will see what it's all about, but at first blush it's intriguing."
(Translation (c) 2013, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Andrea Pérez Simondini, Visión OVNI and Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO)
Date: March 4, 2014
Argentina: Unusual Object in Argentinean Air Force Display
Andrea Pérez Simondini writes:"Several things happened on 11 August 2012, during the 100th celebration of the Argentinean Air Force at the Córdoba Air Base. The public was treated to a lovely display of aerial acrobatics, there was a brush between two aircraft without any consequence to the pilots and and incredible recording was obtained: a video taken by one of the participants. Here is a vidcap from the document. We will see what it's all about, but at first blush it's intriguing."
(Translation (c) 2013, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Andrea Pérez Simondini, Visión OVNI and Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO)
Mexico: Three "UFO Flaps" Documented in Yucatan
Source: Planeta UFO and SIPSE
Date: March 6, 2014
Mexico: Three "UFO Flaps" Documented in Yucatan
By Jorge Moreno, SIPSE
MERIDA, Yucatan - In UFO parlance, a "flap" means "frequent sightings of spacecraft (sic) in the same place and for several consecutive days. Throughout history, there have been UFO flaps in various European countries such as England, Italy, the Netherlands, German, while the Americas, the United States began having an increased quantity of cases until just the middle of the past century. Mexico occupies the second place in "UFO flap" cases, and these have mainly occurred in Toluca, the Federal District, Mexico City and Puebla, although cases have occurred in Veracruz, Monterrey, Guadalajara, etc.
Yucatan is no exception, and three cases from various eras have been clearly identified.
The first and most important of these was centered on the Yalahau Lagoon, located little more than five kilometers from the Municipality of Homún. It all began when some farmers claimed seen "strange lights" ascending and descending at that site. Other locals saw this phenomenon in the heavens and did not hesitate to associate it with UFOs, a subject that was basically unheard-of in the Yucatan, as there it had no serious record.
Sightings took place daily and word spread like gunpowder. People were startled to see that some sort of craft, with white lights, indeed approached slowly and remained "parked" some 300 meters over Yalahau Lagoon. Within a week, people from Merida were embarking upon "tours" to Homún to see the daily sightings with their own eyes. In fact, the craft was so large, and came down so low at times, that some witnesses claimed seeing "little portholes" on the craft. It was also said that on two occasions a "smaller vessel" descended to the lagoon's surface, plunging beneath the water, and was also seen to emerge. Even Televisa and the national media sent correspondents to Yucatan to cover the case, which had great relevance despite the non-existence of the Internet or social media, which would have surely caused knowledge of the wave to skyrocket.
The Second Wave
In the late 1980s, another wave took place over the city of Merida, specifically in the confines of the commissariats of Sitpach and Cholul, allowing dozens of Meridans to see the "spacecraft" that made irregular and erratic movements ever afternoon over a number of days.
The Third One
The third flap in the history of UFOs in Yucatan occurred at the start of the new millennium. It all began in early July 2004 when young César Mata, a resident of Ticul, made a video known to the media. He had recorded it days earlier and it showed an UFO flying at low altitude over Colonia San Juan in the southern end of the state. The recording captures the astonished voices of onlookers as they see the UFO, and Mata wastes no time in jumping on a motorbike to "chase" the light and record it for a longer period of time. A group of experts analyzed the video and confirmed that it was not a hoax, that what was seen that night in the sky was real, and as if that wasn't enough, several people reported seeing the light in Colonia San Benito, located at the entrance to Ticul to one side of "La Sierrita". Within days, dozens of people were gathering in the area to see the UFO, which did not fail in its appointed rounds over the area between 9 at night and two o'clock in the morning.
I had the chance to travel to the location where the events played out a few days later, specifically on July 17. I was accompanied at the time by members of CIFEP. We arrived early, around six in the evening, to interview a family living on the slopes of the hill and who claimed seeing the UFO on a daily basis.
After interviewing Mr. Fidel Chan Chuc, the head of the household, we went to the upper part of the hill, and a few hours later, after dark, the gentleman and his sons shouted "there goes the UFO!" but when I looked skyward, I saw it was just an airliner...
When I started to believe that this is what they were perhaps seeing every day, and it was all a false alarm, they shouted again "there goes the UFO!" and they were not mistaken.
Along with my colleagues, I was able to see an object only somewhat larger than an airplane, but entirely circular and an orange light that turned on and off irregularly. We were at the summit of the hill and the panoramic view was perfect. The UFO made a sort of circle in the sky before making a U-turn.
The UFO was seen for 12 consecutive days until it vanished forever, and the description was always the same by residents from Merida, nearby municipalities and even other states, as well as national and international journalists who also came to cover the case and were able to see it.
[Translation (c) 2014, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Jorge Moreno and Guillermo Giménez]
Date: March 6, 2014
Mexico: Three "UFO Flaps" Documented in Yucatan
By Jorge Moreno, SIPSE
MERIDA, Yucatan - In UFO parlance, a "flap" means "frequent sightings of spacecraft (sic) in the same place and for several consecutive days. Throughout history, there have been UFO flaps in various European countries such as England, Italy, the Netherlands, German, while the Americas, the United States began having an increased quantity of cases until just the middle of the past century. Mexico occupies the second place in "UFO flap" cases, and these have mainly occurred in Toluca, the Federal District, Mexico City and Puebla, although cases have occurred in Veracruz, Monterrey, Guadalajara, etc.
Yucatan is no exception, and three cases from various eras have been clearly identified.
The first and most important of these was centered on the Yalahau Lagoon, located little more than five kilometers from the Municipality of Homún. It all began when some farmers claimed seen "strange lights" ascending and descending at that site. Other locals saw this phenomenon in the heavens and did not hesitate to associate it with UFOs, a subject that was basically unheard-of in the Yucatan, as there it had no serious record.
Sightings took place daily and word spread like gunpowder. People were startled to see that some sort of craft, with white lights, indeed approached slowly and remained "parked" some 300 meters over Yalahau Lagoon. Within a week, people from Merida were embarking upon "tours" to Homún to see the daily sightings with their own eyes. In fact, the craft was so large, and came down so low at times, that some witnesses claimed seeing "little portholes" on the craft. It was also said that on two occasions a "smaller vessel" descended to the lagoon's surface, plunging beneath the water, and was also seen to emerge. Even Televisa and the national media sent correspondents to Yucatan to cover the case, which had great relevance despite the non-existence of the Internet or social media, which would have surely caused knowledge of the wave to skyrocket.
The Second Wave
In the late 1980s, another wave took place over the city of Merida, specifically in the confines of the commissariats of Sitpach and Cholul, allowing dozens of Meridans to see the "spacecraft" that made irregular and erratic movements ever afternoon over a number of days.
The Third One
The third flap in the history of UFOs in Yucatan occurred at the start of the new millennium. It all began in early July 2004 when young César Mata, a resident of Ticul, made a video known to the media. He had recorded it days earlier and it showed an UFO flying at low altitude over Colonia San Juan in the southern end of the state. The recording captures the astonished voices of onlookers as they see the UFO, and Mata wastes no time in jumping on a motorbike to "chase" the light and record it for a longer period of time. A group of experts analyzed the video and confirmed that it was not a hoax, that what was seen that night in the sky was real, and as if that wasn't enough, several people reported seeing the light in Colonia San Benito, located at the entrance to Ticul to one side of "La Sierrita". Within days, dozens of people were gathering in the area to see the UFO, which did not fail in its appointed rounds over the area between 9 at night and two o'clock in the morning.
I had the chance to travel to the location where the events played out a few days later, specifically on July 17. I was accompanied at the time by members of CIFEP. We arrived early, around six in the evening, to interview a family living on the slopes of the hill and who claimed seeing the UFO on a daily basis.
After interviewing Mr. Fidel Chan Chuc, the head of the household, we went to the upper part of the hill, and a few hours later, after dark, the gentleman and his sons shouted "there goes the UFO!" but when I looked skyward, I saw it was just an airliner...
When I started to believe that this is what they were perhaps seeing every day, and it was all a false alarm, they shouted again "there goes the UFO!" and they were not mistaken.
Along with my colleagues, I was able to see an object only somewhat larger than an airplane, but entirely circular and an orange light that turned on and off irregularly. We were at the summit of the hill and the panoramic view was perfect. The UFO made a sort of circle in the sky before making a U-turn.
The UFO was seen for 12 consecutive days until it vanished forever, and the description was always the same by residents from Merida, nearby municipalities and even other states, as well as national and international journalists who also came to cover the case and were able to see it.
[Translation (c) 2014, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Jorge Moreno and Guillermo Giménez]