Argentina: UFO or Condor Over Tupungato?

Source: Diario Los Andes - Argentina
Date: 11.25.08
Argentina: A UFO or a Condor in Tupungato?
A tour operator organized a tour to La Carretera in Tupungato and took a photo of
the landscape. Upon downloading the file to his computer, he saw a strange object.
He had it analyzed by [Argentina's] most prestigious ufologist and she confirmed
that it was indeed a UFO.
Is it a UFO, a condor or a spot? Those were the questions that ran through the mind
of Flavio S., 31, when he downloaded the photo to his computer and saw a sort of
round disk in the air. The event occurred on November 8, 2008, while he was on a
tour with Mendozan tourist operators who intended to visit a local estancia (ranch)
in La Carretera, Tupungato.
"I'm very skeptical, which is why I had the photo analyzed in Buenos Aires,"
he told Los Andes On-Line. "I took a photo of the landscape, nothing more.
We were traveling on horseback, but no one saw anyting. According to the ufologist,
it's not a condor, because it would look a lot smaller at that distance. It's
not a spot on the camera lens either. It's a UFO larger than a passenger airliner."
This is not the first time this year that tourists visiting La Carretera return
with UFO photos. In April, a group of friends who spent the day at Quebrada del
Condor took a cellphone photo in which an Unidentified Flying Object also appeared.
(Translation (c) 2008, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez)
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